I am interested in the process of decay or, more broadly, change. The ways in which nature will adapt and re-align itself when introduced to a transitioning atmosphere. I try to take a dispassionate approach to the longevity of my work, whether it consists of organic matter or not. I seek to challenge our traditional timescale, wherein some object are considered frozen in time, a product of a harsh chemical realignment. On a cosmic timescale, however, matter is shown to be in a constant state or change.
By working in clay, I seek to exploit the material's strong connection to the earth. I want to show that all ceramics, even the ancient fired works of east Asia, will eventually decay and give life to something new. In a sense, it is not decay at all, but an iteration of nature at work. In my work, I seek to speed this process up, illustrating the tug-of-war of physical and biological forces, leading to a paradoxical cycle of creation and destruction.